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China Daily

Heritage of Mei Ho House


After nearly a year of renovation supported by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Heritage of Mei Ho House (Museum) officially reopened to the public on 2 November 2022, with the launch of a new exhibition “Memories of Our Days”. The opening ceremony and the host is very honoured to welcome Mr John Lee Ka-Chiu, GBM SBS PDSM PMSM, the Chief Executive of HKSAR, Dr Eric Li Ka Cheung, GBS OBE JP, Deputy Chairman of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Mr Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, GBS JP, Chief Executive Officer of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Ms Bernadette Linn Hon-Ho, JP, Secretary for Development, Mr Clarence Leung Wang-Ching BBS, JP, the Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs and Mr Chum Tak-Shing, the Chairman of Sham Shui Po District Council as the officiating guests to preside the opening ceremony. 

Located at the heart of Sham Shui Po, Mei Ho House is a Grade II Historical Building which marked the beginning of the city’s public housing policies and has a profound historical significance for the community. Its privately-run, public housing-themed museum has always been a popular attraction for locals and visitors of all ages.


The new exhibition takes visitors back to the past with ten brand-new installations and immersive interactive experiences that bring scenes of the grassroots lifestyles in the 1950s and 60s back to life. It builds a bridge of communication for visitors to learn more about the history and livelihoods of their forebears, the neighbourly perseverance of the communities, and the underlying spirit that shaped the Hong Kong of today.

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